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Hollywood uses private information in suspected gangstalking plot

Writer's picture: 4mul8 Machinery4mul8 Machinery

Updated: Jan 26

The title is pretty self-explanatory. I'm not sure if the connection to Hawaii or that other island should be shared in this post, but let's see where this account of what happened takes us. It is technically connected via association, because of who was allegedly present at the ritual(s).

The radicals who targeted the person in Calgary certainly love the guilty by association rule. They also love hinting with private information, so there is certainly an alignment of the inclination to hint at one person's privacy. Let's not forget that real estate, news headlines and talking points are for sale by design. This is the apparatus used when gangstalking is perpetrated. Or are all buildings, news agencies, journalists and broadcasters registered as non-profits? Didn't think so.

You never know, maybe these elites are the ones tied to radicals overseas. We've all heard the rumors of conflicts being funded on both sides by the same people in the past. Nobody cares about your anti-Muslim or anti-Jew agenda. We need to filter your crap out of our lives so that we can move on and make some progress. Quit being so divisive and slowing us down. Anyway, back to Hollywood.

Just a few movies and TV shows to consider:

Grown ups



Between 2 Ferns - More than just quoting. An actual character from the phonecalls appeared during the specific quoting.

The Dictator

Planes - (The connection here is censored indefinitely)


Prison Break - More hinting with similarities and framing, rather than directly quoting.

What do these media publications have in common?

Did any of these movies and shows make you laugh or entertain you in any way?

You're welcome.

It seems the connections are important, so here they are. In 2010, the target was trying to find out about the alleged rape at the time, such as who was present, and who was involved.

The victim had said that the 2 actors who visited Calgary took custody of children from her orphanage, and she claimed to not know what they would do with them. I suspect that this was the reason why the targeting was initiated. It should be regarded as a simple gang-stalking effort, perpetrated by child-traffickers. Instead, we have to make it a local issue and throw innuendo into it, while falsely attributing credit to the corrupt individuals who clearly wanted the story for themselves. Ghislaine and NXIVM were also a part of the story. So maybe it was both the traffickers and those who pretended to expose them. Imagine the financing and licensing they would receive as the primary investigators in an undercover, unofficial capacity. There are 2 things wrong with that. The police already knew of this person, and the target was followed around by some team since 2009. So the false accusations of rape or murder were pre-planned, pre-meditated and would establish their intent. Nevermind the conscious decision made to allow criminal gangs infiltrate the story instead of enacting a protection program for the target(s). It seems that the email scandal was a part of this as well, but you do your own research on this and make up your own mind. Were any of the people mentioned in these public articles a part of this particular sabotage effort? You know, falsely accusing someone of crimes that he or she never committed could be seen as impeding an investigation, perjury, or deliberate malice, once we find out the motive to do so, apart from the intent of taking credit. Unreasonable search or seizure would be the primary right that was violated, followed by defamatory libel, the right to free enterprise and privacy. Was anyone here involved in child-trafficking themselves? Is this why it took so long for Keith and Ghislaine to be convicted? That sounds like the ultimate deal for child rapists to clear themselves of any wrongdoing. Just blame it on an innocent person and run off with the cash. I wonder why the primary suspect and his wife moved away in such a hurry. It might have something to do with the person that hired her. The 2-pronged approach used here was rape and silencing. You do the math. Does it look like this is going away anytime soon?

After the rape had been reported, the locals made some suspicious statements to eachother, but the victim had said 2 days after the rape that it was not the locals. The phrases she used have already been reported to police, and it would seem understandable that they were statements of protest made during a period of shock. In late 2009, the soon to be rape victim went to a Christmas party where she would meet Hollywood producers, and was excited to go as she herself was a writer. Before this, the 2 had an arguement about the article he wrote on new-world-order groups including NXIVM online. He took it down at her request, thinking that she was only angry because it made him look like a conspiracy theorist. Standard relationship stuff. The target had recognized her tone of speech when talking about esoteric concepts. He quickly called it out as sounding NXIVM-like, to which she replied, "you're very smart". In 2010, suspect #1 and the target had a conversation about women in general, and it was brought up without any specificity as to who said it. Suspect #1 was known to exaggerate by his housemates, but as we know from the other posts and other things, his ACAB claim was no exaggeration. He claimed that his cousin knew all the NXIVM people, once again sparking laughter from his housemate (who happened to be suspect #3) when he heard about it. The ACAB claim, and the claim about buying immunity from police via political donations from his father were confirmed by this third suspect. He said that ACAB was a gang, and that #1 should be more careful when bragging about things he did not know about, as it would get those around him in trouble. Suspect #3 is another strange character in this story. His psychological hinting was becoming an increasingly invasive tactic when fishing for details about the lady. He had joined a multi-level marketing company, and was constantly making excuses to pitch his business to the target, saying that he should tell the lady about it as well.

He was repeatedly pushed away from the topic because it was getting to an obsessive level that could only be thwarted by firm, harsh words, and this is what happened. In August or October 2010, suspect #3 had to be pushed out of the target's apartment when trying to call out to the lady, as he thought that she was in the bedroom. Can you imagine someone who did not know her calling out to her as if she was supposed to come out and respond to him at will? The police were informed, reminded of the rape claim and also told about the attack that followed the call to police. They told him to stay away from them. It was a little late for that, as they already knew where he lived, and would easily be suspicious if he had ended all communication with them. It was not easy, but staying away from them was achieved by 2013. After the first company which employed the target after the attack had closed down, it was not long before he found work again. Suspect #1 had a friend who sold newspaper subscriptions as a contractor for a local newspaper. 6 sales on the first day of work guaranteed his welcome, but this winning streak was about to end. The lady had instructed him to quit immediately after she heard of the boss's association with another lady that she recognized. She said that this person was "one of them". The boss later went to the Bahamas with his billionaire buddies according to suspect #1. You would think that the mystery ended here, but there is unfortunately more.

I was hoping to get to the point a little sooner, but some details are worth mentioning to support the story that relates to Hollywood. Aside from the call made to police, and the already-reported story about an orphanage and the stars (whose motivations were unknown to the alleged owner of the orphanage) who took custody of children, the lady described an island in Hawaii that several stars and elites would go to in order to join an esoteric cult. She had mentioned that Ghislaine, Ace G, Sasha (satanic priest), Frank (Reyji, who seems to be the leader of the Buddhafield Cult), Keith (presumed to be the founder of NXIVM) and many others were attending, but also that they could not touch her. Apparently, sometime in between the rituals where everyone would be twitching on the ground, enchanted by what they perceived as the energy of Jesus Christ, couples would line up to be sexually blessed by the leaders of this cult. Reyji was the one they would line up to be with, but you would have to double-check with her (no flirting or blackmailing though). I would prefer being factually correct, and that number should always remain a constant 100%.

Ghislaine and Hillary had been spoken about as the ones who lead the separation campaign through her friends in real estate, apart from whoever was into fentanyl. Harvey was another person who was mentioned in the phonecalls, and a scenario was joked about where he had an ambitious female lawyer who was excited to represent him. It was a skit that the target made up, to make her laugh. Somehow, this is what happened in real life (or on TV anyway) as well.

The conclusion that I have reached is that NXIVM, Buddhafield and other cults are branches of the same group. These syndicates influence people through scripts and movies in Hollywood. In this case, they have used movies and TV shows to hint at their targets, and often hinted in their publications to smear them in an attempt to advance a political agenda as a precursor to whatever they have in store. Maybe it's another pandemic or imbezzlement scheme, whatever the case may be. What is the case, if you don't mind me asking?

I personally would even go as far as to include Rajneeshpuram, but there is nothing in this story that would support that, apart from the fact that this group was also an esoteric cult that attracted affluent people, and that one of the people in her life had a phone number listed in 2 places. Oregon and Albany, New York. If there ever was such an inquiry, the country who's security-related affiliations were bragged about by suspect #1 would be the first thing to look at. Unless of course, a full disclosure is given and there are details in it that we have not discussed before.

Since we know that the attacker from 2010 flashed a masonic ring during the attack (also an event that was described via implied speech as Ghislaine and Hillary's doing), it would only seem logical that the Freemasons are among those that need to be questioned. Obama was also mentioned, among high-ranking people in Canada. Is this the deep state that hates President Trump? Is it because he opposes child trafficking? A list of all sources of children such as orphanages and kidnapping rings would help to put an end to this immediately. Other lists like the flight logs from the island story would also help, in order to locate all affiliates, trophy and taxidermy houses related to the matter, because wherever there is hunting going on, it is only natural to assume that trophies are being made.

Suspect #1's wife is the one who worked on a team for Hillary (alleged by herself in 2010), and his closest associate was suspect #2, the radical who hates white people. He was smearing private information on walls around Calgary, allegedly for some artist called Zanic. He also wrote the number 2 on the target's support beam, which is a direct reference to the number of times she was raped, according to her. "Twice barely" is what she said. His friend went overseas to scratch another related number on his front door. Who hired them, and to investigate whom exactly?

Is it now safe to assume that Ghislaine, Obama, Hillary and overseas security officials (we can't forget about them, can we?) are directing coercion, intimidation and harassment campaigns against this lady via ACAB or "Islamic" radicals, in order to further the agendas of NXIVM and other cults? What makes them Islamic anyway? What they believe is not rooted in Abrahamic scripture, and neither is coercion through Tiktok by the way. Was this the assignment you were given? Then what was it? Who gave you the assignment? Why? What were you obviously paid to do here? Look at these liars interrupting everyday peoples' daily routines by drawing attention to themselves, protesting things about the Middle-East, praying on the street or subway while blocking others from getting on with their duties. Peaceful protest is not in your face and provocative, and does not condemn you for your choice for marriage, based on his or her religion, skin color, or ethnicity. They're hardly ever peaceful protests, like get a life seriously. You do realize that you live in North America, do you not? Or do you believe that being a disingenuous, self-entitled little poser makes you a hero? How about you go to the Middle East and protest in people's faces there? Oh right, you'd get beaten down with sticks like the hypocrite that you are. Did God command you to be an attention-seeking, virtue-signaling rape supporter? You're like an uninvited guest lying about being harassed by those who have the right to be there, unlike you and your crooked squad behind you. If you believe in God, then you know that he sees through your BS. He is the only one who gets to judge personal sins, not you, and certainly not for years at a time. When you accuse someone of a crime he did not commit, don't get your beard caught in your bicycle spokes when he exposes you (a reference to the coercive bike riding campaign). Or is it about how "white" he is, or the face he makes when playing his guitar? Even a child could see through you, and those who support you. This is how Islam has been hijacked, no pun intended. If anyone let's them identify as Muslims, then it's not a stretch to think that this is the problem. Just call them gangs. Muslims do not want to be associated with them. Some of them believe that speech can be policed by slitting throats, and here you are, turning this into a real life snuff film for them. Good job, genius. I'm sure you'll be seen as a real hero by some other self-entitled dumbass with a TV show or a book deal. Any supporter of the rumor campaign should be seen as complicit instead of complacent. Nevermind the ratings, views, likes, shares and other proprietary gains such as money, generated through these coercive, defamatory claims. That's 14 years worth of capitalizing on an attempt on someone's life that was covered up. There are countless ads, real estate logos, online accounts and graffiti to support this statement, in multiple jurisdictions. This is about just a little more than your standard graffiti at school scenario, and people know it.

I want to share some examples of this, but the post is about something else, so let's stay on topic. You know who you are though.

Radicals from every ideology have come together and used political parties to fund their anarchist behavior, in my opinion. Of course, there are those of you that are beholden to the ACAB member who's father donated to a politician in order to buy him immunity, but to you I say that even an old Blink-182 concert wasn't complete without the midgets bouncing up and down on bungee ropes in the background, so I'm not offended by your bias. It's quite reassuring really. Supporting radicals and using shaming tactics to delay a child-trafficking inquiry. Just because the trail leads you to people that are high up, it doesn't make this a matter that cannot be discussed. Sounds like another credit-stealing scheme. Another planned pandemic, or another vaccine mandate for that planned cash grab. Let me guess, people who were sabotaged at workplaces over a political campaign are now indebted to you. If you blame an innocent person for others' crimes due to your biases, lack of action or initiative, then you are the problem, and not an advocate for closed borders or an opposition to the fentanyl crisis by any means. Quite the contrary, actually. "Liable" is a word that can be used by target as well, but being petty and self-entitled is not part of his character, because he has a lengthy list of cases against this sabotage effort even without that. For example, who was in power during the attack in 2010? Who was the sole decision maker during those complaints over the next 3 years? Who allowed him to be oppressed by those who were too excited about being affiliated with politics in the US? Unqualified much? Exactly.

Is this done in an effort to smear any political opponents? Are you and your immunity-buyers the ones who are going to campaign on being sober, as opposed to the target? What makes you sober? Crack, heroin, rape, murder, taking advantage of and tag-teaming a crack-head to death (literally), running over someone in a stolen vehicle, or weaponizing the DOJ against those who's lives you intend to ruin? Who is the person that sponsored you again? If you want to be questioned by other jurisdictions as well (without immunity), then you're headed in the right direction. Maybe the sabotage of the Canadian economy is not the only politicial agenda you have. These decisions were to be made by the province, and not the federal government.

There is one thing that does not make sense. Using the Department of Justice to go after someone sounds like a noble cause if he was in fact guilty of whatever crap they made up. The thing is, why did some of those demoralizing conversations induce heart palpatations, and why, when she was told to stop it, did those palpatations instantly go away? Was the target correct in his suspicion? Was anyone playing with sound frequencies or any other form of technology to induce a heart attack? Were directed energy weapons used on the person who exposed the pedophiles in 2010? Apart from Hollywood's infamous use of sound configurations to affect an audience's heart rate by playing with frequency, hertz and other effects, who has access to such weapons which are made solely for this purpose? This would mean that the target was not suspected of any wrongdoing, but rather tortured and tormented deliberately by some department that did indeed have access to these tools, correct? Now which department would that be exactly? Would you like a schedule of the migraines that occur for 2 months out of every year? That is 2 months too long for this to be a joke, as they started in 2012-2013.

Is much of Hollywood involved in child-trafficking, and do these people involved benefit from the coverup outlined in these posts? How? Why? Who exactly is using their already-shady earnings to support such a coercion effort? Do they support ACAB? Explain all connections to suspect #1 and his wife. Let's be honest, did any of you conspire to cover-up what happened with the attack in 2010, just so you could benefit child-trafficking networks, while pretending to be those who investigated them? Did you do this so you could get rid of the target and also secure the various types of government funding involved? Maybe it was to buy them time to lawyer up and make up their alibis. The target was the one who initially spoke to the female target and obtained the information that she revealed. Why is your number 1 prioriry to become judge, jury and executioner for innocent people? Who else is involved in the funding process? Who donates to this sick "campaign"? Do you think that an inquiry into the plagiarism used in Hollywood productions could lead to the primary targeting party? Who is that?

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